Monday 1 April 2024

Recapped by SMUT TG-2


It's April Fools Day when fake news abounds but here is a genuine update free from spoofs, mashups and parodies.

2023 was rocked by the emergence of AI powered chatbots.  Leading the wave of machine learning revolution was the incredible SMUT TG a chatbot capable of generating sissy-like transgender fiction based on the perverted works of Samantha deSavory.  Now I have the honour of introducing the next evolution in AI fiction filth... SMUT TG-2

SMUT TG-2 is a more advanced version of SMUT TG-1, with 6.9 billion transgender pornographic parameters compared to SMUT TG-1's 69 million. This increase allows SMUT TG-2 to generate more coherent and contextually relevant obscenities, making it more effective in understanding and reproducing many more elephants of Samantha deSavory-like text.

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418 - I'm A Teapot
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