Sunday 12 February 2023

Embracing Our New Robot Overlords


As regular readers will have noticed my creative output has slowed down in the last two years.  Fortunately, I have always been a futurist and recent developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence mean that I no longer have to laboriously match words and pictures to create my tawdry TG Captions.  After a year spent splurging vast amounts of my captions into a generative pre-trained transformer I am proud to announce SMUT TG (Samantha's Multiversal Ultra-Adaptive Transfiction Generator), an A.I. TG Caption constructor that can create startingly original captioned content just by inputting a few key phrases.  Here is a sneak preview of its first sticky output.

1 comment:

  1. not sure any AI is gonna match your creativity. Genius for a story line.
