Monday 1 April 2019

Perils of Perdita - Banged Her Snatch


Here's another mashup for April Fools Day.  This time we find the perilous Perdita looking into a futurist Pink Mirror.  

A multi-option 'Choose Your Own Adventure' version of 'Banged Her Snatch' will be posted soon but lets take a look seven seconds into future at a linear version of the tale where fate has already been dictated...

1 comment:

  1. Idea towards a Pink Mirror. From White Christmas, the section about taking a human consciousness as software and making it work for the user.

    A gentleman wants a home automation AI personalized to him. A copy of his consciousness is taken, and the trainer gets to work getting the AI to comply. Three days isolation, little compliance. Extreme temperatures, still little compliance. Six months isolation, during which from the point of view of the AI, time is moving but everything outside of his bubble is stationary. After the six months, the AI is willing to do something other then sit around doing nothing. This works for about two weeks. The AI performs home automation task as asked for a while, but eventually stops doing the task he was expected to do. The trainer returns, annoyed, goes though the steps again, but before doing the long term isolation, the trainer tries an experimental idea. A firmware upgrade later, and he has new tools at his disposal. He asks the subconscious of the AI his idea of an ideal girl, then feeds that input back into the AI as it's representation of self. The trainer then sends her off into isolation. Six months of time passes for the AI. At first, it seems that the trainer has broken the AI's mind, but she snaps to attention after the shock of being acknowledged by the trainer again. Months go by, and she continues her job as home automation wizard.
    Three years pass, and the gentleman makes another purchase from the company. An intimate AI driven robot. He once again is given the option by the company to have a cookie cutter AI, or an AI more personalized for him. With how well the previous personalized AI has worked out, and the minor increase of price, he ops for the customized AI. The trainer returns, and he remembers this the home automation AI. Takes a copy of it, and puts it in the intimate robot. From the AI's point of view, she is overjoyed. She has spent three years looking after this man, living to hear his words request her action, and now she is going to gain the opportunity to gain his attention with her own presence. He will talk to her. Directly.
    The anonymous usage reports indicate that one of this Trainer's client's bot has performed remarkably well. The company takes a copy of the AI, and prepares to distribute it as a premium AI option for future clients.
