Tuesday 31 October 2023

Rude Awakenings - A Pregnant Pause


As the clock approaches midnight it’s time to say goodbye to another Hallowe’en and get a good night’s sleep… unless of course you get rudely awakened…

The Gabagool

Fallen Angel

Tricked Out


It’s Halloween again and time for some more tales of TG terror…


Sunday 29 October 2023

417 Expectation Failed


Here’s another chapter of my AI chatbot SmutTG’s sprawling story.  After all the upload problems of previous weeks normal service seems to have been restored but after last week’s problems with ‘Unsupported Media Types’ I have got great expectations…

The Kiss Of Life


Sunday 22 October 2023

Mistress Robot - 415 Unsupported Media Type


Here's the next chapter of Mistress Robot, following on from 414 URI Too Long, which my TG fiction AI, SmutTG, completed last week but due to persistent picture upload errors I have only managed to post today.  A strange irony that a chapter named after an upload error is plagued with posting problems... or is there something more sinister afoot..?