Sunday, 24 September 2023

Mistress Robot - 416 Range Not Satisfiable


Keen fans of HTTP error codes may have been looking forward to 413 Payload Too Large, immediately after 412 Precondition FailedI know I was, but for some strange reason my transgender fiction AI, SmutTG has generated a chapter relating to a completely different error code.  Is this an error in itself, an AI hallucination or simply an electric dream…?

Intelligent Designs


Sunday, 17 September 2023

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Super Sissy - A Facial With EVERYTHING On It!!!


In ‘Across The Sissyverse’ mangatronic Natsumi of Nu Earth was defeated by a semen elemental controlled by the mysterious Blo Jo Bukkake!  Now discover the senses shattering origin story of this ultradimensional villain…

A Speaking Function


Saturday, 9 September 2023

Pink Mirror - Mistress Robot - 411 Length Required


In ‘4xx Client Error’ AI author SmutTG started their ‘Mistress Robot’ story unconventionally by sharing the final Fate(s) of the protagonist.  So we have seen the end(s), where does this story start?  Read on…