Sunday 25 July 2010

Immoral Art

With apologies to Oscar Wilde.

Too Hot

It's been over a fortnight since I last posted but I'm up and running again.  The reason for my recent malaise has been the inconstant British weather.  In England, Summer usually lasts for week, during which the nation is beset by heatstrokes, sunburn and droughts.  After seven days the season ends in a deluge of rain and a return to pale grey sunlight.

To everyones surprise, this year, the Summer has lasted two weeks, and I have found my creativity drained by sweltering evenings and fevre dreams.  Only in recent days have the rain clouds come to chase away the errant sun and I have been able to emerge from the shade, to post again.

The 'New Noo U Brochure' has been completed after it was delayed by a combination of the heat and file corruption.   I'll look to do some more 'long' stories in the future but for now I'll get back into the swing of things with some single picture captions.